Wednesday, December 1, 2010

but it just may be a looooonatic you're looking for!

i am sleepy but i have a lot to do and i really want to blog because i have a lot to say but i'm sleepy.

this past weekend: didn't do much. it rained. gladys and jean pierre went to visit grand kids so i blasted music and sang very very loudly which felt great after my sore throat stuff. i had laundry drying in the garage that i wanted to get but couldn't cuz my remote wouldn't work. i tried the button every hour on saturday, stood outside the garage door pointing it at various corners, trying different degrees of pressure on the button. sigh. i tried to go shopping on sunday but the grocery store was closed. it was strange though, because as i stood outside the hyper u in the cold, there was a large sign saying how they are open 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm. i was angry and cold and looked around for someone to share my indignance with, but there wasn't a soul around. so i walked home. the gate wouldn't open. it's controlled by a remote and there is no overriding the remote. my remote is touchy sometimes, so i went for a short walk up and down the street to give it time to come around. didn't work. so i went for an even longer walk. came back and pushed the little button and nothing. and it was cold. so i sat down and thought. i didn't want to call gladys and worry her. so i decided to check out my options.

i found a spot through which if i absolutely had to, i could climb up and jump over a barbed wire fence into gladys' flower garden. then i sat back down on the sidewalk again to wait. i felt pretty self-conscious every time a car went by or an old lady hobbled by (crossing the street deliberately when she saw me) because this is not a place where people sit on the street. people don't even stand on the streets here unless they are talking to someone they just happened to meet or they are waiting for a bus. i called jules because i had to tell someone what was going on and during the call my phone beeped to let me know it would die, soon. not the best circumstances for a sunday night.

when it was too cold to handle, i decided to jump. it was pretty hilarious and took me a while to pull myself up. every time i heard a car drive by i burst out laughing wondering what it must have looked like to see a crazy girl struggling and scrambling through a hedge and over a very pokey fence. the fence hurt a lot. it poked through my favorite jeans. but i was in and i made my way inside to the warmth.

monday night when gladys and jean pierre got home, i told them what happened. he took my remote and with one push, had the fence open, perfectly. and i told them about the garage. and in front of my face, inside my room, he pushed the garage button once, and it opened immediately. of course. so there they were looking at me like i was slightly deranged, but to be pitied. and i was screaming inside.

and that is tonight's story children. stay tuned for the tale of the listening dinner and the anti-stockholm syndrome.

craving: orange juice! and peaches.
currently listening to: take you there- sean kingston


  1. aparna! climbing over barbed wire fences? small town france has turned you into a right hooligan. (and with students like yours, who can blame you?) i caught up on all your posts today, which i can tell you took up almost my entire lunch break at work. and a very enjoyable lunch it was, too. :)

    also curious about anti-stockholm syndrome, update soon.


  2. i like your blog. you are fun sounding. let's make frandships.
    hai mizz hew.

  3. LOL... I wish someone were there to get some video of you jumping over a barbed wire fence. If I had tried that, I'm sure I would be bleeding.
