Sunday, April 10, 2011

woaaaaaaah, everyone was wearing fingerless gloves!

my lower right eyelid is twitching.

i have officially begun to get darker. the weather is fabulous. like summer. the sun sets at 8:30. like summer. and i am rarely hungry. like summer. and i'm lazy and sleepy from the heat. like summer.

went to sete on saturday for one of the american assistant's birday thing. it was a hot hot day. and i did a very stupid thing in the morning. i was supposed to get to the train station by 11:20 to catch the train everyone else was catching. and i mixed up the bus schedule and waited over 30 minutes for a bus that wasn't coming. then i went home and had some leftover pasta salad cuz i was angry and hungry and then went out to catch the real bus. sete was fun fun fun fun. we went to lunch and i had a salade aux noix et roquefort a walnut and roquefort salad that had waay too much vinegar on it. everyone else had seafood of course, things with eyes and without eyes, slimy things and shelled things. i always think that if i ate shellfish, i would have to eat a lot cuz after all that work, it looks like a very small bite.

then we went to the beach and laid out in the sun for a looong time. the girls went into the water but i didn't have a swimsuit so i couldn't. plus it was freeeezing. i read some more of austen's persuasion. a book that's taking an annoyingly long time for me to finish. then we headed back to beziers and had pasta carbonera at colleen's place, she made a separate non bacon version for me and the other non-pig-eaters. and we had an interesting rum punch to go with it.

and today i did a lot of laundry and lounged around. i went for a really late run, at 7:30 and it was lovely. then i did my yoga, made and ate another creative salad (today's recipe courtesy of sid): roasted with thyme and olive oil- potatoes, onions, sugar snap peas, and beets. raw tomatoes and roasted red pepper. all mixed with some salt, pepper and parsley. simple but good flavors. i had dessert first- fresh cantaloupe from the market and a grapefruit. eaten separately of course. i seem to crave citrus after a workout so every day, after my run, i eat a grapefruit. and i also ate the last bit of chocolate in my house- a raspberry filled ghiradelli dark chocolate square that my mommy sent a long time ago.

and now i'm sleeepy cuz i had a hot shower.

craving: a jamba juice for breakfast tomorrow
currently listening to: boombox- the lonely island featuring julian casablancas

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