Monday, December 20, 2010

she said it's cold outside and she hands me a raincoat

and hello again. i really need to get on the ball with this thing don't i? i hate having these huge gaps in between my posts.

i am in vendée with ben and his mom. the village is called fontenay and it is bigger than sérignan! they even have a mall and an xmas market! sérignan didn't even try to put up a market and béziers' is pretty sad.

friday morning, karl, the cooking teacher at school, drove me up to la roche sur yon. the drive was 6 hours and pretty fun. we talked a lot about french food and my options as a vegetarian. i will be coming in and joining his classes when he does veggie dishes next semester so i am super stoked to finally learn quiches and tarts and ratatouille and stuff! i took a train to nantes and ben met me at the station. that night i met quite a few of his friends who all play the guitar really well, and when we were walking home it had snowed! i didn't have my camera though. it all melted by the time we woke up on saturday.

saturday: woke up really late and brunched with ben and cedric. i had this strange baked camembert with honey on bread. and some over-dressed salad. and it was crazy expensive. then we walked around but it started raining so we decided to get going to vendée. we piled into the car, ben gave a couple friends lifts up there and we got to his mom's place around 9. then we had dinner- a soup of mixed veggies and too much black pepper and no salt. with bread of course and clementines for dessert. i'm pretty sure clementines are just mandarins here cuz they look and taste the same. then we went out to visit his friends at night and talked until very late. it's cold and a quite village town so there isn't much else to do.

sunday, woke up late and walked around the town looking at the xmas market which was teeeny. and we went to the mall but i didn't get to look around much, with 3 guys they could only stand shopping for an hour or so. and none of them got any of their gift shopping done. came home and relaxed and talked. i showered finally! and we had a lazy dinner and channel surfed till we were pooped- around 11 haha. then we went to bed.

monday: woke up at 10 after a very good night's sleep and had some brioche and homemade banana berry jam. i don't know what type of berry though. don't know what the plan is for today; the weather is cold and gloomy.

all we hear on the radio these days is the snow in paris and the north and in london. i cant go anywhere without hearing about it! it's pretty crazy! people everywhere are stranded and i am very glad i didn't decide to travel out of the country.

i am learning a lot of french youth slang from ben and his friends and it is all very amusing. i just can't really tell the difference between the very impolite and the crude. which everyone else finds hilarious.

craving: spicy spicy indian chinese food and a hot tub
currently listening to: french talk radio


  1. merry christmas. ttu soon. cheers.

  2. Biriyani, Apu? You should make it for me sometime. Keep warm!

  3. "i showered finally!" is a worrying sentence. i took for granted that showers were happening discreetly in the background without being mentioned here. :)

    banana berry jam sounds delicious! mmmh i want some now.
