thundercats ho it's been a while. i told my madre that it was cuz i don't do much and so a lot of what i write would just be me trying to find new ways to write the same, boring stuff, and she just said, "so? do it anyway" and so i shall, so i shall!
so today, tuesday was a fairly uneventful day, like most of my days here. i went to work and my first class was 11 year olds learning directions and how to describe where things are. so i drew a house, a tree and some flowers on the board and had them come up and draw an object anywhere they wanted and we then described where it was in relation to my wobbly house and droopy flowers and broccoli tree. they did pretty well and i was happy with their sentences: "the fat girl is next to the flowers.;" "the pig is behind the window;" "the roast chicken is on the house." then i came home for a nap and food.
i recently rediscovered the joys of fried egg on toast. white bread cuz i live on the edge like that. but it is so yummmy. and i found cheerios at the grocery store and indulged. so my crappy carb intake will be extra high this next few weeks. hoooray! i had 2 bananas to try and compensate or make myself feel better or something (yes i know life doesn't work like that, sheesh).
after lunch i had a group of 3 12 year old students and we worked on clothing. there were only 3 because for weeks their class had terrorized me, not paid attention, yelled, poked, punched and whined and so i finally told the teacher that it was a royal waste of time. she agreed to send me 5 kids at a time and that way they'd have to shut up and listen. we covered clothing vocab with pictures and then flipped through people magazine and i had them describe what demi and ashton and snooki were wearing. they told me they enjoyed being with me cuz i didn't yell. i told them that it wasn't my job and then socratic-ly got them to realize that it was their fault their teacher yells in the first place. (pats self on back) not that they'll listen anyway.
after that was another lame group that semi-participated. i showed them pics in the magazine and had them tell me what the people were doing in the pictures. they had very little imagination though which was sad. and they got very excited at a picture of orlando bloom which makes no sense cuz they're 12! they also think tracy jordan is a loser so clearly they don't know what they're talking about.
my last class was a rubbish group of 13 year olds and they just didn't care to learn about clothing or fashion or anything in english so i killed time by getting them to try and decipher the various ads in that people mag i had. and i noticed a strange trend: people magazine advertises everything a person needs to be clean: toothpaste, mouth wash, electric toothbrush, body wash and body lotion. i don't really know what this means. the other ads were (cuz i know you're just going to ask me later): hershey's chocolate, a diamond watch, armani cologne, estee lauder perfume, american express, hostess cupcakes, got milk (so milk?), goldfish crackers, pepperidge farm cookies, starbucks coffee, pringles and i forget the rest.
then i walked home, dropped my stuff off and went to the grocery store to get some ricotta. and i came home and made these zucchini ricotta fritters that are amazing. so amazing that within 5 minutes of me starting to cook them, my landlady came over to ask what i was cooking cuz she could smell them all the way in her house! i was slightly bummed though cuz i couldn't figure out how to get them the right consistency, they're slightly soft and maybe undercooked even though i left them in the pan for over 3 times the amount of time the recipe called for. still yummay so whatev. so my first time cooking with ricotta= success.
and now i'm sleepy so...
sidenote: today i learned that someone has created a twitter page for helen keller and every single tweet is something like "khusaaaaarrh" or some other sound a deaf person who has never heard language would make, and i am really disturbed by this.
craving: blood orange frozen yogurt from pinkberry
currently listening to: bedrock- young money