Wednesday, February 9, 2011

you're a song written by the hands of god, don't get me wrong, but this might sound to you a bit odd

alora. my teacher canceled classes today so i slept in. and i did nothing of any use to anyone. went to the market in the morning and bought half a kg of strawberries (already finished em) and veggies for pav bhaji. came home and had a breakfast of chips and salsa and cheerios and milk, with sliced banana. and then i took a nap. it was a fitful bit of sleep cuz i had a scary dream, got very cold and then very hot.

then i got ready for my physio session and went. i am so much better now, there is barely any pain left and i'm up to 20 minutes of yoga a day. romain massaged me and we chatted as usual. he told me that this week they have a new trainee (sidenote: last week they had 2 trainees from the school i teach at, and both just happened to be students of mine. it was a bit awkward cuz now both students have seen me in my bra and each of them have refastened my bra for me when i'm all done and before i get off the table. super.) from the school and that she isn't working out so great. i immediately started thinking about who it could be haha. then he put the electrodes on my back, got me a hot pack, and left without turning the electrode thingies on.

so there i was face down on the table with my bra unhooked, electrodes on my back and a hot pack on top of them, shouting various things to get someone to come into the room. i did this for about 5 minutes and nobody came and i felt really silly cuz romain would only be back at the end of my 15 minutes. so i hooked my bra, removed the hot pack, picked up the electrode controller, and put my coat on hospital gown style and went out into the hallway. and for a place that's usually empty, there were suddenly lots of people around. fortunately romain saw me and came quickly to find out what was going on, which is good cuz i couldn't tell which one was him cuz i wasn't wearing my glasses. he apologized and got the electrodes pulsing and left. and linda came by 15 minutes to remove them and made fun of 'the little walk i took earlier.' and i saw the new trainee- one of my least favorite students- chilling in the waiting area, tapping a pack of cigarettes against her lap (what? thees ees la france after all), waiting to leave for the day. she did say hi to me though.

i came home and made another zucchini ricotta fritter cuz i was hungry and i have 4 zucchini's worth of batter. gladys popped round to have me change jean pierre's homepage to his email account. then i chilled and did useless things online until i was ready to make the pav bhaji.

it didn't take long and i did make a big mess but it got done and it's very yummy. though it tastes like something's missing. i think i should have used more cauliflower. or maybe let the tomatoes cook longer. or something. and gladys popped by again cuz her mouse stopped working but by the time i got upstairs to take a look, it was working and she felt sheepish. she gave me some homemade chocolate cake though! and it was crazy moist. and heavenly. and dense. and everything a chocolate cake should be and more. so i must have her recipe.

i did some cleaning. ate some pav bhaji with a tortilla and then with some tortilla chips (just didn't feel like having it with bread, gosh). and then i took a shower. and tweezed my eyebrows which i both hate doing and really suck at.

and here i am waiting for my hair to dry. i have no morning classes tomorrow so i can sleep in again!

craving: mommy's hot apple cider
currently listening to: insatiable- savage garden

1 comment:

  1. I love that song by savage garden.... I'm procastinating. should be writing a paper that is already late. :P
