Monday, February 28, 2011

should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements?

grrrr... my last post was accidentally deleted and i hate hate hate hate when that happens.

alors les vacances d'hiver: french people don't like working more than 8 weeks at a time so these holidays are winter holidays, 2 months after xmas holidays.

i am in fécamp with cedric at his parents' place in haute normandie. it's chilly and gloomy but very beautiful. reminds me of both vancouver and wales. there are actual hills around here, something that the southern béziers area i'm in doesn't seem to have. cedric's house has an amazing view of the entire town cuz they're up on a hill.

we got here yesterday morning by covoiturage and it took 4 hours to get from nantes to rouen and cedric's parents ouanassa and yves picked us up and drove us here to fécamp. the drive was a lot of nothing and french countryside. the cows here are usually an off-white color but the weird thing is how unhealthy they all look. i don't know if it's the french variety of cow or something, but they all look ill and weak. there is a lot of mistletoe on all the bare trees and i think mistletoe is hilarious. just shows up in little balls and hangs out for the winter, then the trees kick it out and grow back their leaves.

during the drive from rouen to fécamp cedric's parents bought us each a little apple tart that is a typical normand dessert. it's delicious; a mix of apple pie and cake, with an almond thing on top.
when we got home i met their dog soan who is apparently very mean to strangers but she seems sweet enough to me. and i got to cooking some daal for dinner. cedric cut carrots and had coffee and he'd like everyone to know so. i made the daal as spicy as i would for me and cedric's parents loved it so i was happy. cedric had a hard time though cuz he's lost all his karam tolerance, poor thing.

then we hung out and played a game called jungle speed which was funny and involved grabbing a totem after matching shapes and colors.

and now we're heading out to visit fécamp and around and try and find a château for me!

craving: spicy hot apple cider
currently listening to: best for last- adele

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