Wednesday, March 9, 2011

baby i have no story to be told, but i've heard one of you and i'm gonna make your head burn

i am going to try and cover the highlights of normandie and nantes in this post. wish me luck.

i'll go backwards. today (wednesday) was simple. i got groceries, went downtown for a bit and walked around cuz it was a sunny day. had 2 very delicious and creative cookies for breakfast from a bakery in beziers. went to sephora and smelled nearly every single perfume and narrowed down the one i love: prada infusion de fleur d'oranger. leftover badly cooked maggi with onions for lunch with a yogurt. listened to last week's wait wait podcast while making sambar for dinner. sambar and rice ready and i'm no longer hungry.

i got home in the afternoon yesterday after a 7 hour roadtrip. i woke up at 530, got dressed, bid farewell to ange and walked in the dark to the nantes tram station. i was so worried about getting lost and not making it to the tram station on time that i did get lost and i missed my tram. fortunately the covoiturage guy, martin, was also running late. i was lucky though cuz he had a huge suv and i got to ride shotgun the whole way which means leg room! we picked up a guy on our way and another 2 in bordeaux and so we had a full car. martin was headed to perpignan to visit his girlfriend. he's a music store owner and guitar teacher. he played susheela raman's salt rain album. what are the odds i would ever hear her rendition of mamavatu in a complete stranger's car on my way to narbonne on a sunny day in france? narbonne-beziers train- 15 minutes. beziers-serignan bus- 25 minutes after a 45 minute wait. freezing home. turned on heaters and unpacked. maggi cuz i had no groceries. showered. dinner and bowling with friends. my scores: first game 65, second 49- and i won the 2nd! so yeah, i and the french can't bowl.

monday: ange had work so i watched the king's speech in centre ville and it was amazing. i really enjoyed it. i went for geoffrey rush but colin firth was incredible. wow wow wow. then i got my eyebrows done, hooray! met up with ange and we got some vin chaud and talked and talked. headed to benou's place after and hung out with him, cedric, some rosé, and far far too many cigarettes (one stereotype that is dead on about the french) for a few hours. home, reading and sleep.

sunday: ange and i stayed home and chilled. read and talked all day. it was so nice and i finished the book of lost things by john connolly and i really liked it. started on code zero by ken follett in french but i left it with ange when i left nantes.

saturday i don't remember. more hanging out with ange.

and now i
think i'll flip and go chronologically.

monday the 28th of feb: after my previous post cedric and i went to les falaises the cliffs of fecamp. the day was gloomy and windy and the cliffs were absolutely freezing. there were also unbelievably beautiful. the wind was crazy strong and i could barely keep my eyes open. we stayed for 15 minutes cuz that's how cold it was. then we headed into fecamp to Palais Benedictine which is a castle built around a monastery where monks made a pretty potent liquor from 27 spices. a rich man decided that he was gonna continue making the liquor from the same recipe and he built the castle for his distillery. it now houses a pretty cool museum with a whole mess of old french stuff. and an art gallery- we didn't go. we checked out the distillery and it was murky and humid and smelled strongly of chemicals. we also tasted the benedictine and it was very very strong but with a yummy aftertaste of caramel. the stuff's crazy expensive so i didn't buy any as a souvenir.

and now i am vair vair sleepy so i'm gonna put the sambar away for tomorrow (i haven't even tasted it!) and sleeep. and so this is to be continued!

craving: a long deep back and neck massage
currently listening to: right as rain- adele

1 comment:

  1. I really love Adele but I've only heard "rolling in the deep". Am I the only one that hasn't seen "The King's Speech"? boo hoo! I have a feeling that I might have to see it by myself.. never done that before.

    Now off I go to make Sambar as well for my sick baby!
