Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pretty eyes, long hair, smells so sweet like summer in the air

i don't have much to report, the past week has been fairly uneventful. weather has been getting nicer so i've been going on walks and bike rides. i also started running and as a result i hurt everywhere. but that's good and i missed working out so much i'm glad i can run a little now.

yesterday i went to the market and got veggies for a salad. the plan is to eat as healthy as possible from now all through my summer. and since the weather's been nice, i don't mind not eating a hot meal. i made a pretty kick ass salad too: one tomato, half of a green and a red pepper, half an onion, i roasted an aubergine with olive oil and garlic and did the same to a zucchini and added chick peas and 2 small cooked and peeled beets. dressed it all with olive oil, salt, pepper, coriander and 2 spoons of wine vinegar. yummmm. and gladys was worried that i didn't have anything hot and so she brought me some soup she made with zucchini, and i love her soups. she put oatmeal in this one which was a yummy texture that i had never thought of before!

i've been doing an hour of yoga everyday for the past few weeks and i love it. but i don't really like the cool down and calm your body and center thing at the end. so i stretch and stop. i don't know if it's necessary to the whole yoga experience or not but i'm always cold and sleepy after it so i stopped doing it. i also have a tough time with the breathing cuz in the videos i follow the time between breaths and poses is too long so i take an extra breath each time and i hope that's ok. and something weird i've noticed is that during standing balance poses, i have no problem balancing on my right leg but can't seem to hold still on my left. it's quite frustrating.

yesterday i checked in with my teachers about what to prepare for today's classes and i got texts and emails one by one canceling all my classes. so where i would have worked 7 hours today, i'm only working 1. this doesn't bother me too much. but i really like working and hanging out with the kids and trying to teach them english and getting them to speak it and not be scared. i only have one teacher who has never canceled his classes on me and because of that i know all the students by name and i can see that they've gotten better! if only this were the case with all my classes. especially the groups who have a more advanced level of english. and now there is only one month left.

craving: a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a bowl of fresh blueberries
currently listening to: always remember be- ryan cuming

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of "prologue / epilogue" in my yoga routine either. Luckily the yogasana routine I follow includes a "build-up and cool-down" in the routine itself so that I dont have to do these separately. In order to tailor one for you I'll need to know what your yogasana routine is: list the aasanas you do in a mail to me in the order you do them. Tchuss.
